
Important Freeze Warning For Your Pool

All Aqua Blue Pools are equipped with control systems which provide a layer of protection for your pool during freezing temperatures. What this means is that your pool system will detect the freezing temperatures and “freeze protection” mode is automatically activated, without any help from you. Your pump(s) will turn on and keep the water circulating to help prevent pipes from freezing. This can include any and all water features on your pool. So if you see these turning on too in your residential pool, please do not be alarmed.
AUTOMATIC FREEZE PROTECTION – Your pool will go into “freeze protection” mode automatically. Do not turn it off.
POOL COVERS – If you have a pool cover, you MUST leave it in the OPEN position. Two problems can occur. (1) Ice will build on the pool cover and ruin it. (2) The pool cover being closed will stop your pool’s freeze protection from working.
Turn off your lawn/landscape irrigation. Lines can break and spill hundreds of gallons of water out. Additionally, there are instances where your pool’s auto-fill system is attached to your irrigation causing a host of other problems.
SPA COVERS – These are okay to use as long as there are not water features spilling water “into” the spa.
BREAKING PIPES – If a pipe breaks due to freezing, turn your pool system off at the breaker.
POOL HEAT PUMP – Your heat pumps will freeze over if you attempt to run it. Additionally, heat pumps DO NOT work when the outside temperature is under 50 degrees.
POOL GAS HEATERS – If you’re looking to save on energy costs refrain from using your pool’s gas heater. Due to the extreme cold a massive amount of gas will be consumed in an attempt to heat your pool.
SPA GAS HEATERS – It’s okay to use your spa’s gas heater since it’s a much smaller body of water than your pool. You can always turn it on prior to use and off afterwards.
If you’re an Aqua Blue Pools customer and you have questions about this topic call us at 843-767-7665, ext. 2.


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