
Pool Year’s Resolution: Make Your Pool Part of Your New Year’s Resolution

Here comes the New Year! And with it, all those resolutions you’ve made.

At the top of most lists are developing a healthier lifestyle, getting in shape, or weight loss. Statistically, though, most folks don’t follow through with their commitments.

But if you’re a pool owner, then your Pool Year’s resolution should be easy: use your pool more!

Now, if fitness is your goal, then you’ve got lots of options:

Learn to swim

This is one of those life skills that everyone should learn.

Swim those good old-fashioned laps

Lap swimming doesn’t have to be boring. You can learn a new stroke, or incorporate some new technology that creates a current for you to swim against.

Make a splash

If your pool is deep enough, then it’s time to work on those graceful dives, avoid those belly flops, and perfect those cannon balls.

Use the pool as your own personal water gym

Take advantage not having that extra gym membership. Use the added resistance to change your jogging or walking routine, add water barbells and noodles to increase strength and flexibility and to tone different muscle groups with the buoyancy to help you stay upright and afloat.

Participate in group water activities

While your pool may not be ideal for other group pool activities like water aerobics, water yoga, water polo, and other activities; you will most likely spend more time around your poolscape and in your pool with family activities, as well as visiting your local pool community centers that may offer these activities.

Become a certified lifeguard

As a pool owner, it is vital that you are aware of life-saving techniques for your guests.

Your Pool Year’s resolution may also lead to some reevaluations of your poolscape needs and wants, including:

The design experts at Aqua Blue Pools can help make your poolscape fit your Pool Year’s resolutions.

Stop Dreaming Start Living


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