
Pentair Swimming Pool Products Information Video

Pentair Swimming Pool Products Information Video

The Pentair Training Lab at Aqua Blue Pools in Hollywood, South Carolina

One of the equipment options for swimming pools that Aqua Blue Pools offers is swimming pool automation. There’s really no reason ever to be intimated by swimming pool automation. Some of the items in your home that are automated–your HVAC, even your televisions. All televisions have a remote. Why shouldn’t your pool? The EasyTouch is the most popular system that we offer. It’s very simple. It’s very simple automation. Anything that’s controlled at the pool pad, be it the pump, be it the lighting, be it the outdoor landscape lighting–they’re all being controlled through the automation system through a very simple relay system.
A couple of different options for interface control for our automation systems, wired indoor control panel that would go inside your house or inside your pool house, a wireless controller, which you can take anywhere with you–a simple four function control that would go on the side of your pool or the side of your spa to control four functions.
Another advantage to automation is the ability to set schedules or run times for any part of your pool equipment you may have, be it the pool, be it the spa, be it the lights–you name it. Anything can be programmed for a schedule very simply and easy right on the programming screen. And the runtimes can be set at any time during the day, any time of duration–any day of the week. Not only is it convenient, but it also saves money.
And one of the big features of our integrated control systems is if you have a pool/spa combination, we have a series of actuators that automatically diverts the water between the pool and spa so there’s never a need to go over to the equipment pad and manually turn those values.
And, again, going back to things that are automated in your home. Take your HVAC system, for example. You would never go up into your attic or to your basement to turn the HVAC system on and off when you need to heat or cool. Just like your HVAC system, speaking of heating and cooling, automation also will control your heater or heat pump controls as well based on temperature of your pool water.
A very nice feature included in–for a safety feature for your equipment is freeze protection in our automation. Freeze protection simply turns the pool on if the pool is off or not in a programmable mode to running through its program sequence. If the air temperature drops below say 34 degrees, an air sensor will pick up sensing that it’s cold outside or about to go into a freeze mode or a freeze protection as we call it. (information continued on video)


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